
news 消息

5 February 2025 Performance Blue Sun , with Nick Tsai and Chin Meng-Hsuan, International Film Festival Rotterdam, Art Directions: sound//vision, Worm, Rotterdam. 5-8 December 2024  Programming EX!T 14 Experimental Media Art Festival in Taiwan: Spectrum, 5 December – 8 December 2024 Taiwan Film & Audiovisual Institute , and Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre , Taipei 24 November 2024  Performance Live cinema try-out, Filmwerkplaats, Rotterdam, Spectral: Spatial, Performative & Expanded Cinematics, Transnational Research at Artist-run Labs , 24 November 2024 15 Nov 2024  Coordination Film Screening and Conversation: An Afternoon with Qin Dao (On Kino) , projectionist & coordinator, Framer Framed, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 27 October, 1-3 November 2024  Screening The Othered Scene , Ground_Level Cinema Vol. 5, Theatre Image Forum, Tokyo, Japan & Guling Street Avant-Garde Theatre   (牯嶺街小劇場), Taipei, Taiwan 26-28 May 2024  Panel moderation “Immer...

blue sun 藍太陽

Blue Sun Live cinema performance Premiere at International Film Festival Rotterdam 2025 Developed through SPECTRAL: Spatial, Performative & Expanded Cinematics – Transnational Research at Artist-run Labs, at Filmwerkplaats, Rotterdam In Taiwanese novelist Tong Wei-Ger’s short story, the narrator describes the blue sun amid a series of strange perception. The blue sun hangs high in the mountain where the mining incidents took numerous lives in the mid-1980s. Following the literary metaphor, Blue Sun sets out to document the post-mining and post-disastrous villages in Northern Taipei. With short film and performance, the project attempts to translate the lingering energy in the landscape from literature to other artistic mediums. The image theatre of Blue Sun weaves together improvised film projection, sound, and live charcoal drawing. In its live form, Blue Sun is a variable and accumulative process. Each iteration produces a new dra wing and pro...

selected writing 觀察與評論

written in Traditional Mandarin  "What do we mean by experimenting with images? or the culture of artist-run film lab" ( link ) December 2024 CLABO Focus programme booklet Necessary Fiction: Negotiating Realities in Post-national Philippine Documentaries 2022 Taiwan International Documentary Festival Translation: “Charting the Documentary Terrain of Mindanao,” by Gutierrez “Teng” Mangansakan II; “From Revolution to Revolution: The Documentary Movement in the Phillippines,” by Nick Deocampo Voices of Photography – Weekly column May 2021 – October 2022 News on photographic practices in visual culture, experimental film and video “Identification, Trace, Interface” Voices of Photography, Issue 32  War Machine, August 2022 “Complex Images and Data Infrastructure: An Observation of Global Media Art Festivals” Voices of Photography, Issue 31  Technologic, March 2022 –––– 〈我們需要什麼樣的影像實驗?從沖印室文化談起〉 CLABO實驗波專文 ,2024年12月 必須虛構:後國族菲律賓紀錄片的多樣真實 2022年台灣國際紀錄片影展 焦點專題別冊 翻譯文章: 〈勾勒民答那峨的紀錄片地景〉 ,...

the othered scene 他人的場景

The Othered Scene 16mm transferred to digital , digital sound , 8mins During the outbreak of the plague, the island was in a post-war transitional period. Locals lived through the abrupt disaster through community mobilisation. Years later, this work set out from the coast towards the hillside at the center of the island, searching along the way for the white clay from the locals' memory. Recounting the childhood experience of the springtime epidemic contained the uncertain identity of language. Guided by sound and image, the trip approached the places where other people had once arrived. Soundtrack "Cibotium Taiwanianum Kuo" by Nick Tsai. 他人的場景 16 毫米轉數位, 數位聲音,8分鐘 據歷史調查,瘟疫爆發時,島嶼處於戰後過渡時期,許多當地人透過社區動員面對突如其來的災難。 多年之後,帶著攝影機,從海濱出發前往島中央的山坡地,沿途尋找記憶中的白土。關於春天瘟疫的兒時經驗,夾帶不確定的語言同一性,和聲音影像互相帶領,逐漸逼近人們曾經抵達的地方。 聲音作品 " Cibotium Taiwanianum Kuo"由 Nick Tsai製作。

flame gazing 觀火

Flame Gazing 16mm transferred to digital , digital sound , 8mins Flame Gazing re-composes scenes from two funerals held by a big family in Taipei, based on the home videos recorded in 1993 and 2001. The re-editing principle of the film threads together clues to the passage of time: the elder who had attended the funeral of the young lady passed away eight years later. In selecting and transforming a huge amount of video footage into hand-processed 16mm film, I searched for both the affective loads and documentary evidences in these images. With both accidental and non-accidental solarization, the reassemblage of materials becomes a time-traveling experience through local rituals, gestures, faces, and remembrance of family members. Such process of rediscovery offers something to contemplate upon, or to“guan huo” (Taiwanese Mandarin), literally staring at the fire. Coincidentally, fire is a recurring element in these funerals. Drawings by Chin Meng-Hsuan. 觀火 16 毫米轉數位, 數位聲音,8分鐘 《觀火》組構...

about 關於

Writer and filmmaker. After the training in documentary practice and theory in Lyon, Y.W.Y. is pursuing a PhD study at Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis. His research focuses on the intersection between aesthetics, material culture, and museum-related moving image projects. In filmmaking, the recent cycle of works approaches the phenomena around certain deaths in personal or collective memories, often with photochemical film techniques. Y.W.Y. is a member of Filmwerkplaats, Rotterdam, learning the ethos of artist-run film lab. 獨立影像工作者與文字工作者,旅居阿姆斯特丹。 阿姆斯特丹文化分析學院博士候選人,研究聚焦動態影像在博物館、美術館的技術和思想變遷。 他也是鹿特丹藝術家自營沖印室 Filmwerkplaats 成員,學習光化學電影工藝,偶爾協助策劃放映和展演。影片 探討事物、語言、圖像、經驗和地方如何構成,近期正在平行發展短片和現場電影形式的作品。 CONTACT university w.y.yen@uva.nl personal yenwangyun@protonmail.com PEOPLE Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis Filmwerkplaats